Hidden Curiosities gin began life in the picturesque Surrey Hills, but the real story starts a few years earlier in Yokohama, Japan. Hidden Curiosities’ founder, Jenny Lane, spent five years residing in Japan refining her palate, followed by a year of extensive research in the UK, sampling and assessing over 100 different craft gins.
Jenny works closely with Silent Pool distillers, in the Surrey Hills. Each run of Hidden Curiosities is distilled in a traditional wood-fired copper still, and is only made in batches of a thousand bottles. No automation is used whatsoever - once the gin has been rested and carefully bottled, each bottle is then labelled and wax sealed by Jenny herself. When you buy a bottle of Hidden Curiosities gin, you are getting something that truly is an artisan product.
Product Specifications
Class | Gin | Size | 50cl |
Region | Surrey Hills, England | ABV | 59% |
Style | Navy Strength Gin | Age | Unaged |
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